This brilliant summation should be sent to every MP now so they can see where these ridiculous policies logically end. I assume they have no idea, and possibly care still less.

I'll generously give Starmer a year before the innate contradictions in his policies - all announced so proudly in his first week, as if looking busy is the most important thing (oh-so-very Blairite) - cause the whole crazy edifice to collapse at astounding cost.

Hugely disappointing that the Tories couldn't see what they were pushing us towards, and that Reform's MP count didn't remotely reflect the voting intentions of the English electorate.

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Well, this is astounding. As soon as Millibee got up and announced not only continuing with Laydee May's un-costed Net Zero junk, but that 2030 would be the end point - I knew he needed a nice warm padded cell.

The Layzee Labour party are lying, as did the woke Conservatives and iffy Lib-Dems. SNPee, as usual, were out to lunch.

The U-turn will be forced - or HM Gov really will impose 40 per cent energy cut, followed by civil unrest.

For those who like comfortable North London eco-cultchah, please remember - cut power by 40 per cent and tax goes to hell. For anyone in any doubt about how this works, see South Africa. It hurts everyone - except the self-anointed elite.

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